Daisypath Anniversary tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Persetankan - 1st Submission: RAHSIA

OK, allright... I HATE to tadmit this but... I've made a BIG BIG mistake when I submit this picture for PERSETANKAN! Ahahaha, dangggg!!!~ The first theme is called RAHSIA, which means SECRET. OK fine, laugh out loud if you want to.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

It's August 31 - Independence Day...

Arhhh...Merdeka Day come & go~ On the Merdeka's Eve I felt quite lonely *pathetic* ;p if not for the Premelodic show at Yamaha, Kelana Jaya! I went there with Surie and Maz and found Ina, Rienie, Raja, Erik, Amin, Bob and Boy were already there. The crowd mostly came for the Yamaha Warehouse Sale, which is like sooooooo COOL and the guitars and keyboards are sooooo damn CHEAP!!! *why oh why I've spent all my month's salary?* :( After the show we all went to the nearest mapley for makan-makan. My Merdeka celebration was just like any other day it seems... Except for the show~ huhu